Tag Archives: Devil Rat

Episode 006 – The Street Samurai: Shadowrunner Dossier #1

In which Vox and Mr. Johnson delve into the character archetype of the Street Samurai, including what Street Sams do, how to create them, and some roleplaying tips. Also included: a new Critter Corner segment and another listener submitted story.

Show notes:

  • The CritCon website
  • Convention schedule
  • From the website, here is the event description:
  • “CritCon is the first annual gaming convention hosted by the CriticalGlitch podcast. It is a day of gaming to help your fellow man, as admission is only a donation to the Mid Ohio Food Bank. The convention opens at 9:00 AM and goes until 7:00 PM. Come out and play some games and help those in need. The mid Ohio Food Bank is always in need of supplies here is a list of their most commonly needed items. http://www.midohiofoodbank.org/pdfs/FoodDrive/MOF-Grocery-list-2013.pdf For each non perishable item brought for the Mid Ohio Food Bank, including the five requested for admission you will be given a ticket. Tickets can be redeemed during any Shadowrun game at CritCon to add 1 additional die to any roll. There is no limit on the number of tickets that can be redeemed during the event.”
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Episode 006 – The Street Samurai: Shadowrunner Dossier #1 Tags: , , , , , ,