
 Need gear? We’ve got you covered.

Full disclosure: all links are affiliate links – you’ll spend nothing extra, but we receive a small sum for any purchases made using these links.  Thank you!

Chrome Flesh 5th
Data Trails 5th
Digital Tools Box 5th
Fifth Edition Character Conversion Guide 5th
Fifth Edition Core Rulebook 5th
Fifth Edition Quick-Start Rules 5th
Fifth Edition: Core Rulebook Errata 5th
Rigger 5 5th
Run & Gun 5th
Run Faster 5th
Shadowrun: Anarchy 5th
Street Grimoire 5th
Battle of Manhattan (Boardroom Backstabs) 4th/5th
Bloody Business 5th
False Flag (Denver Adventure 2) 5th
Lethal Forces 5th
London Falling 4th/5th
Ripping Reality (Denver Adventure 3) 5th
Serrated Edge (Denver Adventure 1) 5th
Shadows in Focus: Sioux Nation: Counting Coup 5th
Shadows in Focus: Sioux Nation: Starving the Masses 5th
Splintered State 5th
Sprawl Wilds 4th/5th
Boundless Mercy (Convention Mission Pack) 5th
Missions: Killing Pawn (Prime Mission) 5th
Missions: A Holy Piece of Wetwork (Prime Mission 002) 5th
Missions: Jumping Ship (Prime Mission 005) 5th
Missions: The Deck Job (07-01) 5th
Missions: Collective Action (07-02) 5th
Missions: Special Investigation Unit (07-03) 5th
Missions: Do No Harm (07-04) 5th
Missions: A Little Wetwork (07-05) 5th
Missions: Windy City Chaos (07-06) 5th
Missions: Ten Fifty-Seven (06-01) 5th
Missions: Amber Waves of Grain (06-02) 5th
Missions: Ancient Rumblings (06-03) 5th
Missions: Chasin’ the Wind (5A-01) 5th
Missions: Critic’s Choice (5A-02) 5th
Missions: Gone Long Gone (5A-03) 5th
Missions: Liberation (05-04) 5th
Missions: While the City Sleeps (05-05) 5th
Missions: Season 5 Prep Files 5th
Aetherology 4th/5th
Assassin’s Primer 5th
Bullets & Bandages 4th/5th
Court of Shadows (Alternate Setting) 5th
Coyotes 5th
Cutting Aces 5th
Dark Terrors (Plot Sourcebook) 5th
Forbidden Arcana 5th
Gear Cards, SR5 Series 1 5th
Gun H(e)aven 3 4th/5th
Gun H(e)aven 3 Weapon Cards (SR5 Stats) 5th
Hard Targets 5th
Howling Shadows 5th
Lockdown 5th
Market Panic 5th
Seattle Sprawl Digital Box Set 5th
Shadow Spells 5th
Shadows in Focus: City by Shadow: Butte 5th
Shadows in Focus: City by Shadow: Cheyenne 5th
Shadows in Focus: City By Shadow: Metrópole 5th
Shadows in Focus: City by Shadow: San Francisco Metroplex 5th
Shadows in Focus: Sioux Nation 5th
Spell Cards, Series 1 5th
Stolen Souls 5th
Ten Terrorists 5th
The Complete Trog (Runner Resources) 5th
Big Dreams
Blind Magic
Borrowed Time
Dark Resonance
Deniable Assets
DocWagon 19
Drawing Destiny (Tarot Anthology)
Fire & Frost
Hell on Water
Nothing Personal (Enhanced Fiction) 5th
Sail Away, Sweet Sister (Enhanced Fiction) 4th/5th
Shadowrun Legends: Choose Your Enemies Carefully (Secrets of Power #2)
Shadowrun Legends: Find Your Own Truth (Secrets of Power #3)
Shadowrun Legends: Never Deal with a Dragon (Secrets of Power #1)
Shadowrun Legends: Never Trust an Elf
Shadowrun Legends: Night’s Pawn
Shaken (No Job Too Small)
Spells & Chrome
The Vladivostok Gauntlet (Enhanced Fiction) 4th/5th
Wolf & Buffalo (Enhanced Fiction) 5th
World of Shadows
Video Games
Shadowrun: Hong Kong Deluxe Edition [Online Game Code]
Shadowrun Returns [Download]
Shadowrun: Dragonfall – Director’s Cut [Download]
Shadowrun Chronicles: Boston Lockdown [Online Game Code]
Shadowrun [Super Nintendo]
Shadowrun [Xbox 360]
Shadowrun [Sega Genesis]

17 thoughts on “Shop”

  1. Thanks for compiling this list. I use it for my SR5 purchases now. It is super easy to find what I am looking for. Plus I can throw some money your way for the hard work you do.

  2. Checking the compiled list, the following are correction for books with both 4A and 5th edition stats:
    Enhanced Fiction:
    Sail Away Sweet Sister
    Vladistock Gauntlet

    Otherwise, great job! Maintaining this page! 🙂

    1. Hey, thanks so much for the heads up and the kudos! I’ll make the updates now.

  3. I’ve been using the links above when grabbing pdf files.

    If I need to navigate away from the link target to acquire a printed version, do you still get credit?

    1. Good question. To be honest, all I know is that if “affiliate_id=618124” appears in the html address then we should get credit for a purchase, no matter what it is.
      Thanks for asking!

      1. Thank you for the information. I look every time now. I did just notice that using the Drivethru link on the homepage sends me there with your affiliate link attached, but as soon as I did the search for “Drawing Destiny” it removed any affiliate information.
        I’ll hold off on purchasing until you get a link set up in the shop.

  4. I am totally hooked on the Shadowrun-novels, I read them on my Kindle so I buy them from Amazon. Is there any way go get to Amazon through your website so you get some Nuyen out of it?

    1. Absolutely! And thanks for thinking of us! Head to the home page. On the right sidebar, fourth widget down, right below the DriveThruRPG banner, there is an Amazon search field. Search away!

  5. Looking to make a couple purchases from drivethru, but your affiliate links aren’t working at the moment. I don’t know if it’s a drivethru thing, or if it’s on your end, but I thought I’d let you know. I’ll check back in a day or two.

    Also, any chance you may be able to get a cut on the old Shadows of North America books? If so, I’m looking to pick up volume 1, and would prefer that you guys get a cut, if possible.

    1. Thanks for the heads up – apparently the links changed without our being notified. But all’s updated now.
      It’s going to be some time before I get the previous editions’ books up, but according to the DriveThruRPG Affiliate page, “Simply refer people to by tacking on ?affiliate_id=618124 to any URL (or if there’s already a ? in the URL, use & instead).”
      Thanks for thinking of us!

  6. Hi Vox and Mr. J.

    It might just be me but I tried several links today and all of them errored out. “Site can’t be reached”.

    Figured I’d pass the news along in case there is a problem.

    1. Thanks for the heads up – I’ve updated the links and everything should be working fine now!

  7. Soooooo… not so much action here lately. Did I miss the Arcology Podpeople t-shirts, I’ll check again, nope not finding them, I’ll try again when I’m sober (sober is a weird word).

    1. Nope, not much action here, I’m afraid. But you didn’t miss any t-shirts, so there’s that.

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