Netjitsu Gone Wrong

In the event that you have found no Arcology Podcast activity since Episode 8, please head on over to iTunes, search for “Arcology Podcast,” and find the second show out there that will have all of our episodes.

In the process of trying to find out why no one could see our Bonus Episode 1, we talked with our web host. Our service representative did the netjitsu that they do and got us all fixed up… or so we thought. Now we’ve found that there is a “second” Arcology Podcast available for subscription in iTunes. One listing has only episodes 1 – 8, the other has all of our episodes, including the two bonus episodes we’ve so far completed.

So… if you have found that you only have episodes 1 – 8, we’re humbly asking you to go out to iTunes, search for us again, and subscribe to the complete listing. We hate to inconvenience anyone, but we also have extremely limited time with which to investigate this further (and no funds with which to hire someone who knows what we want and what they are doing!). Rather than mess with what appears to be a perfectly good feed, we’ve chosen to handle it this way.

Thanks, Chummers. 🙂

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