Episode 056 – Run Faster and Good Ray Rigel

In which we announce some Big Announcements, discuss the Codes chapter of Run Faster, and discuss convention season with Good Ray Rigel of the Catalyst Demo Team.

Show Notes:
The Caffeinated Penguin blog (Runner Stories):




2015 Conventions

31 Jan-1 Feb: Ohayocon, Columbus, OH
6-8 Feb: TempleCon, Warwick, RI
13-15 Feb: GenghisCon, Denver, CO
14-15 Feb: OrcCon, LAX, Los Angeles, CA
20-22 Feb: Dreamation, Morristown, NJ
6 Mar: Ei-Con, Leiden, Netherlands
6-8 Mar: PAX East, Boston, MA
13-15 Mar: COSCON, Butler, PA
13-15 Mar: Cleveland Concoction, Cleveland, OH
19-22 Mar: Gamestorm, Vancouver, WA
26-29 Mar: GaryCon, Lake Geneva, WI
5-6 Apr: Convention Bigor (Big Israeli Gathering of Role-players), Tel Aviv, Israel
15-17 May: Heroicon, Decatur, IL
15-17 May: AnCon, Hudson, OH
29-31 May: FOGCon, Pekin, IL
3-7 Jun: Origins, Columbus, OH
25-28 Jun: Nexus, Milwaukee, WI
30 Jul-2 Aug: GenCon, Indianapolis, IN


Here’s the original:

Uncle Sam Wants You

And here are the pictures of Ray Rigel to use for your creations:

Ray 1 Ray 2 Ray 3


Check out our Patreon page starting February 1st.  We’ll put a short announcement up with the link once we launch.  In the meantime, feel free to drool over this die!

Arcology Podcast Die - 6

12 thoughts on “Episode 056 – Run Faster and Good Ray Rigel”

  1. What size are those dice? Are they “normal” or the “mini” dice?

  2. So out of curiosity since im sure this is on some peoples’ minds, let’s say some little crows or neighbors in the arcology were to donate a sum of money in a multiple of 20 USD, would they recieve an amount of dice proportional to their donation in bulk?

    1. It’s a good question; we had to take some time to think on it. We’d prefer to encourage monthly support, rather than one large donation, as wiz as that would be. 🙂

  3. Any chance you can give us your recommendations on the different out of print source books in the shadowrun Hong Kong KS?

  4. Thanks for the shout out Mr J!! Really appreciate it, I thought Ray had forgotten me from the other podcast. I must admit it’s always funny hearing an American trying to pronounce my name, we put a completely different emphasis on syllables :o) And if you want stuff recorded in a genuine British accent, I’m available :oD

  5. re: HK Backers & OOP Sourcebooks – they’re all great source. Shadowbeat, by far, is one that you absolutely can’t go wrong with, with NAG:RL being my second fave.

  6. I may have to make another appearance again at Origins this year. And Heroicon is definitely in driving distance.

    Any other Arcology residents attending?

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