Category Archives: Podcasts

Episode 017 – Questions and Answers

In which Vox and Mr. Johnson answer your questions about Shadowrun!

Show Notes:

Arcology Resident Thunk provided us with some links to his character sheet:



Link to forum thread re: maps for pen and paper games:

Mentioned in Episode 16, here is a cool Kickstarter campaign for cyberpunk soundtracks (looks like she’s fully funded, but there are some nifty stretch goals still out there):

Until such time as we get a section up on the website with resources for SR, here are a couple of them:

Chummer – Character generator for Shadowrun 4e (

SmartLink – Initiative and condition tracker for Shadowrun SR3 and SR4 (free version) and SR5 (full version for $1.99) (

Bonus Episode 003 – Our Characters

In which Vox and Mr. Johnson, due to some schedule restrictions, throw any semblance of a script right out the window and devote an hour to talking about their own Shadowrun characters. Per listener request, of course!

Show Notes:

Kickstarter campaign: Cyberpunk Soundtrack:

Backing Shadowrun Online:

Episode 015 – Game Mastering Shadowrun Part 4: NPC Design

In which Vox and Mr. Johnson go through the process of NPC Design for our fourth installment of our Game Mastering Shadowrun series. We also announce the winner of our first contest: one listener wins a copy of Shadowrun Returns!

Episode 013 – Game Mastering Shadowrun Part 2: Campaign Prep

In which Mr. Johnson and Vox talk about how to prepare your Shadowrun campaign. Also included: a review of the recently-released Gear Cards, and a new listener story!

Show Notes:

Link to article:

The “screenwriter’s bible” book, the author and title of which Vox couldn’t remember? It’s “The Anatomy of Story: 22 Steps to Becoming a Master Storyteller” by John Truby.

Episode 010 – Adepts: Shadowrunner Dossier #5

In which Vox and Mr. Johnson uncover the many ways of the adept. Not just for martial artists anymore, the adept can be one of the most versatile or specialized characters in Shadowrun. Also included, a new listener-submitted runner story and a new segment.