6 thoughts on “Actual Play Episode 205 – J-Dawgs”

  1. I’ve been a listener since the episode 001 of the regular ones, but just this last two months i’ve give the chance to the Actual Play.

    What can I say? Absolutely brilliant job, keep doing that! Just now I’m halfway through in “The Duel” and loving it.

    Warm greetings to Vox, Mr. Johnson and all the players from an amazonian (brazilian) listener.

  2. It took about 2 years, but I have finally listened to the entire actual play. Really fantastic. 200+ hours of story and characters and everything you’d want. It feels like I just caught up on a show with 10 seasons… and I’d listen to the new episodes over watching a lot of shows. You guys are great.

    Catching up is kinda bittersweet, though. Time to figure out what to listen to in its place between episodes.

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