4 thoughts on “Actual Play Episode 023 – Half-Ork”

  1. The end of this episode was awesome!

    Btw. I noticed some audio-weirdness, at several points it seems the volume went down.

  2. Enjoyed the action in this episode, but the rules lawyer side of me had a couple of issues, e.g. Data Bombs go off when you attempt to copy the file, not just when you read them; vehicles with a rigger jacked in add the rigger’s Control Rig rating to their sensor, speed, and handling, so if both teams were in GMC Bulldogs the enemy one should have been able to pull away from our heroes.

    That said, the episode flowed well and from a cinematic point of view the action of the chase was well represented. Any criticism is (hopefully) constructive and is simply because I am getting really involved with the story and as a listener I cannot ask for any more.

    As for the day change? Well if we are now getting the actual play on a Thursday night its another reason to look forward to Fridays!

  3. I found your podcast two weeks ago with a need to get my gaming fix taken care of, and I love your show. I played Shadowrun 4e for a brief period of time and had fun with it, but never had time to really get into, so your show helps me get a better handle on the rules of the game. Speaking of the rules, near the end of this episode Vox voiced an issue with the rules about car collisions. She made a comment about how she thought that a stronger car should deal passengers less damage than a “tin can”. In comparison to real life- Shadowrun has it right. If a car with a sturdier frame and chassis, such as a Hummer or Bulldog, collides with an object the frame absorbs the kinetic energy and spreads it through the chassis- including to those inside. However, cars with weaker bodies are specially designed to crumple and disperse the extra kinetic energy away from the passengers.

    I’m loving your show. Keep up the good work. 🙂

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