8 thoughts on “Actual Play Episode 085 – Revelations”

  1. I like Mr. Johnson’s GM conundrum in the epilogue: “What does CFD even *do* with somebody like Tiny?”

  2. Sooo…Does this mean the team takes up future careers as cubicle dwellers or Stuffer Shack greeters? Maybe they can open an air tour business with the VTOL. ‘Cause geekin’ your fixer after he paid out isn’t the type of behavior that builds trust in future clients. Other teams that worked for King James will be put out – and not lining up to have Tiny as his replacement. Again, trust.

    And what does CFD do with Tiny? The happy dance.

  3. OMG, Completely didn’t see that coming. Now I’m desperately wanting the next AP episode.

  4. I’m thinking Haze and the VTOL need to add a disguise and spoof chips of an ice cream guy/ truck….

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