3 thoughts on “Actual Play Episode 022 – Link-Locked”

  1. It may just be me, but I got a little lost at the beginning of the episode and sort of failed to follow how they got back to Dad’s bar. From then on I was, as usual, engrossed. It was nice to see Kenji take centre stage and show the worth of a good Matrix guy. Hope to see some of the others (particularly Tiny) take the spotlight in the future. Thanks Again!

  2. Just started playing a game of shadowrun and came across your podcast. Have been listening to the actual play to get a better idea of the flow if the game and cause its fun ;). Anyway I am currently playing as a technomancer and it seems Kenji compiled and registered his lvl 6 sprites a little too easy. When on some down time I compiled and registered a lvl 6 sprite I ended up unconscious with 10 boxes of stun damage and 4 physical. Remember, to compile is resonance + compiling vs sprites lvl while registering is resonance + registering vs sprites lvl X2. Also he would have been looking at fading dv of sprites total (not net) hits X2 I believe. Am I missing or misunderstanding something?
    Also what are Kenji’s attributes and skills? It seems he has resonance 7 and willpower 7 and logic 7 which I though was impossible since he hasn’t yet got enough karma to boost two attributes even if the one started at the max of 7 at creation. I’m still pretty new to this so seeing how Kenji is set up would be awesome.
    Iron Mind

    1. My one gripe (well I have two actually) about this (otherwise great) podcast is how little difficulty the characters have on any test. It seems they roll 34 dice per test. We’re told things do get hairy soon, which I’m looking forward to. Listening to a bunch of super heroes roll through every encounter lacks a certain dramatic tension.

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